Keynote Presentations
Inspirational presentations from 45-180 minutes, explaining blockages to creativity and innovation, and how to overcome them – and transform the organisation! Strip out the fluff – this stuff works. Entertaining, interactive, engaging – creating a desire to “go do things differently”!

In-House Creativity Techniques Workshops
Half-day hands-on experience of creative “challenge-solving” techniques, helping individuals understand the challenges – and the immense rewards – of the associated facilitation. Participants are introduced to a step by step process which will provide a structured approach to Breakthrough Thinking, delivering an engine to drive the innovation process.

Taster Sessions
Attend a local Ideas Centre as a guest (i.e. no charge!). Providing training for in-house facilitators, a local Ideas Centre provides a forum for regular practice of creativity techniques and facilitation along with a framework for embedding within member organisations. Members will have access to 6 half-day meetings each year, with 2 places per meeting for each member. A martial art dojo for experiential learning with like-minded colleagues from a range of organisations – providing an invaluable source of raw naivety to provoke, challenge, stimulate the creative process.