Think Again!


The Strategic Role of Creativity


The world is changing at an ever increasing pace, but the decisions we make and the behaviours that we display are based on models of “reality” which are based on our understanding of the out-dated patterns from the past.  We MUST find ways of challenging these patterns, to free up our thinking, to generate fresh and novel (i.e. creative) ideas that then feed innovation.

This presentation will demonstrate how creativity can remove the blockages that operate within everyone’s minds, to unleash the power of Breakthrough Thinking, to generate ideas that are both novel and useful.  A culture of creativity can substantially differentiate an organisation, attracting and retaining the best staff whilst enhancing added value.



Attendees will leave with an understanding of:



By identifying the key blocks to creativity, it is possible to develop strategies to overcome them, and then to release the creative potential of every member of staff.

The presentation will explore the following topics:

1. Blocks

2. Solutions

3. Implementation

4. Techniques


Case studies will be provided to demonstrate, without doubt, the benefits of introducing a culture of creativity.

To find out more or to book this keynote, please

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